Monday, October 09, 2006

Colleges and Universities go on Homeschool Recruiting Spree
by Josh Montez

With an estimated 2-million homeschoolers in the U.S., news reports say homeschooled kids are in demand because of their considerable academic skills.

Gloria Mohler went to a Baptist college in Iowa and pursued artwork on the side. She says her college didn’t turn her away because she graduated from home school.

“I was warmly welcomed; there were many other homeschoolers that went to this school that I attended and it was quite evident that, sometimes, the homeschoolers did study more and they felt more personal responsibility.”

That’s exactly what colleges look for. Barmak Nassirian with the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers says it has taken homeschoolers and colleges about 10 years to get to know each other a little better.

Read article by clicking on title.