Monday, November 13, 2006

Home, for some, is where the school is


BUSHNELL — Children taught at home miss out on so many experiences that children who attend public school get to experience every day.

Their parents are thrilled about it.

“I don’t live in a vacuum,” Amy Weed said. “Most members of my family do not homeschool their children, so I hear the stories of the kindergartners who come home wanting explanations for things I’m not quite ready to discuss, especially with a 6-year-old.

“And teasing and harassment and the stress of state testing. My children do not need these things.”

The more Weed heard, the more she became determined to homeschool her children, Emily, 14, and Isaiah, 6. Emily has been homeschooled since kindergarten, while Isaiah just began kindergarten.

Go to original article by clicking on the title.