Thursday, August 09, 2007

This gives a whole new meaning to "school shootings"

Nevada legislators are debating the merits
of paying teachers bonuses for police training
and will allow them to carry guns.

This takes the parallel of schools and prisons
to the next level. Schools are already the closest
institution we have to prisons in this country,
where children are herded into rooms and drilled
through each day by authority figures and bells
until released.

Now teachers might be able to play the role
of police and guards. What next?

Read the story here:

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Home is where school is

By Margaux Ortiz
Phillipines Daily Inquirer
Last updated 03:29am (Mla time) 08/05/2007
MANILA, Philippines—For 10-year-old Therese Michelle Paman, classes mean answering her workbooks at the lanai in their house and listening to the only teacher she has ever known: Her mother, Lizette.

Since Lizette began homeschooling Therese five years ago, every day has become a wondrous journey of learning and bonding for mother and daughter.

“I really love to teach. When my other kids were small (she also has three teenage boys), I would read to them at home,” Lizette told the Inquirer.

Read the article by clicking on the title.