Monday, September 12, 2005

CULPEPER LIFE Homeschooling

Pamela Kulick - Staff Writer
Culpeper Star Exponent
Sunday, September 11, 2005

Noreen Shorey and her daughter Emily talk about how to search for information at the library.

“An assignment from God” is how Noreen Shorey and Ann Harrell view their profession.

Shorey and Harrell homeschool their children and while they admit there are many challenges that come with their job, they said the benefits far outweigh the stumbling blocks.

“God gave me my children for a reason and I believe it is my responsibility to teach them,” Harrell said. “I made the decision after I looked at children who were homeschooled and those receiving a public education. I realized those who had been homeschooled were part of a very close family and had developed a love for reading through their studies. That has always been my heart’s desire to foster a love of reading within my children.” Read Article by Clicking on Title Above.