Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Homechooling Provides its Own Therapy for Special Needs Kids

By Tonya Poole, 2-11-06

One afternoon three years ago in Albuquerque, we learned from the back of a brown paper grocery bag that my then nine-year-old daughter Sarah has autism. We unloaded groceries as we read, putting fewer and fewer cans and breads and teas away as we made it further down the list: vocal ‘stimming’ or chanting; extreme resistance to and/or distress at change in routine; ‘flapping’ arms and/or hands; becoming easily and markedly distressed for no visible reason; unusually focused fascination on specific subjects or objects; frequent repetitive behaviors; coordination and motor difficulties; noticeable lack of natural fears and presence of unnatural fears; delay in and difficulty following set of instructions …

Read the entire article outlining one family's struggle to get the help they needed and their ultimate (and brave) decision to homeschool... by clicking on the title