Monday, April 03, 2006

Homeschooling Growing In Popularity


Homeschooling growing in popularity

NORTH PORT -- When his seventh-grade daughter was being bullied by classmates, John McKay took her out of public schools.

" I (felt) that the guidance counselors favored the bullies more than the ones being bullied," McKay said. Instead, the North Porter opted for homeschooling.

Leslie Valeska said she first started homeschooling when she found her son, now 14, was not being challenged enough in public schools.

"He was bored and the classes were not intense enough for him," she said. "Now I've been homeschooling him for four years, along with my three other children."

One of the surprises she found was how much her children support each other. "They all get excited when one of them gets a difficult concept or does something spectacular."

Families may choose homeschooling for many reasons.