Thursday, May 18, 2006

How public schools are sabotaging America

Note: This commentary encourages parents to look at other means to educate their chilcren - rather than "subjecting
children to educational malpractice" in the public schools. Sam Blumenfeld has been a long time friend to homeschooling
parents and children. J. Boswell

by Samuel Blumenfeld


Top CEOs in the computer field have been bemoaning the fact that American schools are not turning out students who are proficient enough in math and science and able to do the work needed in the computer industry. Nor are our students able to compete with their counterparts in other countries, namely India and China.

Craig Barrett, chairman of Intel, said in an interview in USA Today (Nov. 8, 2001) that our education system "is dumbing down the U.S. citizenry and educating the rest of the globe" in our graduate schools. Our educators haven't "fully recognized that the standard of living is going to be dependent on the quality of the workforce." That strong warning, issued over four years ago hasn't made much of a dent in the thinking of America's public educators.

Read the entire article - click on the title.