Monday, March 05, 2007

In a class of their own

Weld 52 explodes with stacks of Yaffa blocks, well-fingered books, bulk containers of Easy Mac, cardboard boxes, and the tell-tale anxiety of freshman move-in day. Amidst the madness, Stephen T. Norberg ’06 rummages through his belongings and discovers a framed piece of thick paper decorated with a whimsical owl and a smartly dressed pig. It’s his kindergarten diploma. Carefully navigating the chaos, his left arm almost destroying a perfectly folded pile of undershirts, he crosses the room and secures the diploma onto the blank wall above his wooden desk. Pausing for several moments as his exhausted roommates look on in wonderment, he finally utters, “Wow! It’s great to be in first grade.”
They describe Norberg as amazingly caring, funny, and passionate—but he isn’t crazy. And the grade-school comment is not without merit. That day Norberg did, in fact, feel somewhat like a first grader. Having been homeschooled from second grade until college, that kindergarten diploma was the last one he had ever received.

To read entire article about homeschoolers at Harvard U, click on the title.