Monday, March 31, 2008

Ride Herd

How well are you (or any of us for that matter) following local school district policies
or regularly checking into the curriculum and scholarship of your local schools? This is
a good eye-opening commentary by Linda Schrock Taylor. J. Boswell

She writes:

I am stunned at how few citizens correctly evaluate government schools in America; at how many people misjudge their own local school districts. Parents are too often guilty of ignoring or recreating reality as they avoid the necessity of taking action. Too often parents are busy supporting their children in every kind of school activity…except those involving Reading, Writing, and ’Rithmetic. If children bring home A’s and B’s, all must been fine at school, right? Not always. Grade inflation has taken the meaning out of grades and scores. One only needs to teach freshman English classes at a college or university to remove any lingering doubts. However, the general population has neither the opportunities to see the whole picture, nor do they demand that policy makers and administrators keep them accurately informed. Remember, it is local school boards that are condoning and voting for policies that administrators request that they pass.

To read entire commentary, please click on the title above.