Monday, May 02, 2005

Assistant Professor of Sociology at the University of Southern Maine publishes study on homeschooling

Ed Collom is Assistant Professor of Sociology at
the University of Southern Maine. He has just
had two of his research papers regarding
homeschooling published and they are available
in PDF files. I have his permission to send this
information to the homeschool lists and the
Home Educator's Blog. These are very
comprehensive studies and will take some
time to read through... thus the PDF file links.
I have only had time to scan them, but both
papers seem to contain valuable information
about the "social impact" of homeschooling.

1.Homeschooling as a social movement: identifying
the determinants of homeschoolers perceptions;

Ed Collom and Douglas E. Mitchell

2. The "Ins and Outs" of homeschooling: the determinants
of parental motivations and student achievement

Jane R. Boswell
Home Educator's Family Times/Homeschool Support Network
P.O. Box 6442, Brunswick, Maine 04011