Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Young Entrepreneur

Sixth-grader uses government youth loan program to start own business.
ARIZONA CITY - A 12-year-old boy has taken advantage of a U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Youth Loans program to start up his own business.

Kurtis Kelley, a sixth-grade home-school student, recently borrowed $3,600 to buy a lawnmower, power weed cutters, shovels, rakes and other items to help him cut down some of the huge amount of weeds that have grown wild with the unusually heavy winter rain Arizona experienced this year.

The program is designed for youths ages 10 to 20 to establish and operate modest-sized, income-producing projects. The projects must be by members of 4-H clubs, FFA or similar organizations, or with a vocational teacher or county extension agent.