Monday, May 02, 2005

What Mothers Are Really Worth... in $$$...

A study suggests that stay-at-home-moms have a "dream job"
which is worth over $131,000/year ... because of all the overtime.
SAHMs are on call 24/7 and work an estimated 100 hours a
week "overtime"... the article/study states,

..."Mothers are responsible for the mental and physical well being of the family - putting a price on that isn't easy," said Lena Bottos, compensation market analyst for "But we looked at it as what you would have to pay other people to do the same work if the mom weren't there."

Even if these mothers were getting paid what they'd be worth on the market, Bottos added that they still wouldn't be adequately compensated. "When you take into account that it represents a 100-hour work-week, and doesn't even begin to factor in that they are on call 24 hours a day, it's not so large. Plus, stay-at-home moms get no benefits in terms of pension or 401(k)."